FU Man Yi (a.k.a. Sonya FU, b.1982) is a visual artist from Hong Kong. Growing up in the former British Colony where East meets West, Fu is influenced by both Oriental and Western culture.

Starting from 2010, Fu has exhibited in many art galleries and international art fairs around the world. Fu's work has been featured in many art publications including Curvy, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and the Semi-Permanent art books.

In 2011, Fu was awarded with Perspective Magazine's '40 Under 40' which celebrates top young creative talent throughout Asia. In 2019, FU's work "Anitya" was selected by Copelouzos Family Art Museum in Athens as part of their permanent art collection.


Being heavily inspired by her dreams, cultural background, spirituality and her interest in metaphysics, Fu blends her subject matters with symbolic metaphors and the unseen beauties she encounters in her dreams, sometimes with fragments of her childhood memories. All of these combined introduces an eerie and obscure atmosphere in Fu's visual narratives.


"Art is a powerful visual language and creating art is a calming and therapeutic process. I would like to share with people my dreamscape, its beauty and its oddity. It might be an eerie creature, a whimsical scenery or a disturbed beauty who speaks words of wisdom - they are all embodiments of my subconscious mind. If my work manages to stir emotions and provoke thoughts, then I am doing the right thing as an artist - creating and conveying emotion." says Fu.


傅敏兒 (Sonya Fu,1982生),藝術家,香港出生,自小受中西方思想和文化影響,愛新穎也愛傳統。

作品由2010年起在世界各地多個畫廊及國際藝術博覽會展出,畫作也被收錄於多個國際藝術刊物包括《Curvy》、《Beautiful Bizarre Magazine》 及 《Semi-Permanent》 設計論壇的年刊等等。


2011年,入選《透視》雜誌 (Perspective Magazine)  —〈四十驕子〉年度40個觸目的40歲以下的創作人獎項。作品《無常》(Anitya) 於2019年被雅典〈科佩魯左斯家族藝術博物館〉永久收藏,並輯錄於該藝術博物館的《中國藝術作品集》之中。




「藝術是一種強大的視覺語言,創造藝術是一個平靜和治療的過程。 我想與人們分享我的夢境,它的美麗和奇異。 無論是詭異的生物,異想天開的風景,或者是驚魂未定的美麗存在所說出的至理名言 — 它們都是我潛意識的顯化。 作為藝術家 ,我希望以作品帶動情感,引發思考,創造和傳達感情。」


Perspective Magazine "40 Under 40 Awards" 2011
透視雜誌 2011年度〈四十驕子〉大獎



Copelouzos Family Art Museum, Athens
"Anitya" (2018) - Mixed media on canvas, 35cm x 35cm

雅典 - 科佩魯左斯家族藝術博物館
"無常" (2018) - 混合媒介, 畫布, 35cm x 35cm